I'm one of those parents that gets up really early and CAN'T WAIT to wake the kids up because I am excited to see them open their presents. So, as you can imagine, I am looking forward to the morning.
I just wanted to take a moment to say Merry Christmas from my family to yours!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Holidays, birthdays, and words, words, words
Sorry that it has been a little while since my last post. It is that time of year where everything is just crazy! This year was even more crazy than usual with my oldest son going to classmate's birthday parties within the last few weeks, as well as having one of his own. Then Thanksgiving rolled around and it was time to be thankful for what you have and to enjoy time with family. And I have much to be thankful for! Now comes Christmas, one my most favorite times of the year! I look forward to seeing the looks on my children's faces when they see the personalized messages that Santa has sent to mommy's email for them, and when they open their presents. What a special time childhood is!
In the midst of all of this activity, I also found out by reading several agent's blogs that the website where I had looked to tell me what word count is acceptable for a novel was apparently not right. Since I am in the process of sending Guardian out to agents for possible representation, I decided that I needed to give it a fighting chance (as I read in the a couple of agent's blogs that if it is too high or too low on word count they automatically reject) so I spent some time increasing the word count. I thought, at times, my eyes would cross and my back would give out from sitting so much. I can now say that I did everything in my power to help it to attract representation.
On my journey to becoming an author I have learned many things. Especially with Guardian. If you are looking for a profession that will keep you humble, then you should definitely become an author. You may think that your story is fantastic, and so too might your fan base, but you will still receive more rejections than anything else...as is the case with even the most famous authors.
Every query letter you send off with a prayer that this agent will be the one that likes your story enough to want to see more. You know that if they just read the whole book, they are going to want to represent you. Each response you get that is a crushing rejection will ultimately say approximately the same thing... "This field is subjective and we encourage you to keep looking for the right person to represent your work. Please don't take this as a reflection on your writing ability, as it is not intended as such." And they usually close with something like, "best of luck." It is highly frustrating!
What I see also, though, on some of the writer websites that I frequent is that I am not alone in this frustrating, humbling, but ultimately rewarding quest. And that if I can manage to just keep my faith in myself and my work, despite the humbling rejections, so, too, might I come out victorious in the end!
In the midst of all of this activity, I also found out by reading several agent's blogs that the website where I had looked to tell me what word count is acceptable for a novel was apparently not right. Since I am in the process of sending Guardian out to agents for possible representation, I decided that I needed to give it a fighting chance (as I read in the a couple of agent's blogs that if it is too high or too low on word count they automatically reject) so I spent some time increasing the word count. I thought, at times, my eyes would cross and my back would give out from sitting so much. I can now say that I did everything in my power to help it to attract representation.
On my journey to becoming an author I have learned many things. Especially with Guardian. If you are looking for a profession that will keep you humble, then you should definitely become an author. You may think that your story is fantastic, and so too might your fan base, but you will still receive more rejections than anything else...as is the case with even the most famous authors.
Every query letter you send off with a prayer that this agent will be the one that likes your story enough to want to see more. You know that if they just read the whole book, they are going to want to represent you. Each response you get that is a crushing rejection will ultimately say approximately the same thing... "This field is subjective and we encourage you to keep looking for the right person to represent your work. Please don't take this as a reflection on your writing ability, as it is not intended as such." And they usually close with something like, "best of luck." It is highly frustrating!
What I see also, though, on some of the writer websites that I frequent is that I am not alone in this frustrating, humbling, but ultimately rewarding quest. And that if I can manage to just keep my faith in myself and my work, despite the humbling rejections, so, too, might I come out victorious in the end!
Friday, November 11, 2011
How could I have forgotten?
I just realized today that Guardian's (Book 2 in the New Era Series) 1 year start date anniversary will happen in 1 month from this past Monday (November 7th). Yes, I am aware that they were started exactly 2 months, to the day, apart. lol. Boy, has that time flown!
It won't be until sometime in April of 2012 ( because of the computer crash earlier this year, I don't know the exact date) that Keeper's (Book 3 in the New Era Series) 1 year start date anniversary happens. And, before I know it, Protector (Book 4 in the New Era Series) will be done and making the rounds to the test readers.
It won't be until sometime in April of 2012 ( because of the computer crash earlier this year, I don't know the exact date) that Keeper's (Book 3 in the New Era Series) 1 year start date anniversary happens. And, before I know it, Protector (Book 4 in the New Era Series) will be done and making the rounds to the test readers.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
More feedback on Keeper
So far book 3, Keeper, seems to be getting good reviews from the test readers that have read it. 5 out of 5 test readers recommend it. It will soon be on the move again. I am off, however, to check out something that she told me may be a confusing issue at the beginning. Can't have that, now can I? lol That is why I LOVE my test readers, they help me so much!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Aaaaand . . . Protector begins!
Last night I completed the first chapter of book 4- Protector. This is sure to make my test readers that have been asking when I would start it happy.
I am very excited to be back to writing also. I didn't realize that I had missed it until I sat down with Protector last night. I don't know how often I will be able to work on it, but I will try to when I can.
I can tell you from the plans that I have running through my head (and that I have run by my sounding board person) that this one should be a more than worthy addition to the series. And, you get to meet the super villain that will dominate the next 4 books (although he likely won't be the only villain in each book). Let me tell you, he is a top- of- the- line villain too. Plus, he's spooky creepy. He'll send some creep chills down your spine for sure! His name is Artandar.
I am very excited to be back to writing also. I didn't realize that I had missed it until I sat down with Protector last night. I don't know how often I will be able to work on it, but I will try to when I can.
I can tell you from the plans that I have running through my head (and that I have run by my sounding board person) that this one should be a more than worthy addition to the series. And, you get to meet the super villain that will dominate the next 4 books (although he likely won't be the only villain in each book). Let me tell you, he is a top- of- the- line villain too. Plus, he's spooky creepy. He'll send some creep chills down your spine for sure! His name is Artandar.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Guess what?
I started book 4! I know that this will make my test readers that have been patiently waiting for it very happy. I did not write much, just 2 paragraphs, but it is a start.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
1 month tomorrow. And pictures, pictures, pictures!
Since Fated came out 1 month ago tomorrow, I have already had 1 book signing, an article in the paper, and a possible radio interview, I thought that it was time to get some pictures taken that I can use for publicity and events. What an adventure (as my friends on Facebook can attest to)!
I had my husband take some nice pictures, that turned out well. Since neither he nor I are professional photographers, though, we didn't realize that the background was too dark, and my dark hair and dark shirt blended too much for me to crop myself out of the pictures without looking like I cropped myself out of the pictures. So, we re-shot them against a lighter background, with several different outfits, and I got some more good shots. I wasn't, however, able to duplicate my favorite pose from the first batch.
I spent some time tonight trying to work with that original picture that I liked from the first batch to see if I could get myself out of it and onto a lighter background. I do believe that I have succeeded! But, that leaves me with several very good images to choose from. I have put them on my Facebook and asked for opinions. I plan on using the ones that are the most popular with my friends. I really appreciate all of those that helped me to choose.
As for Fated, I keep spreading word about it, and it seems to keep generating interest in whomever I speak to about it. I hope that means that in another month it has grown even more in popularity with the word of mouth from myself, my test readers, and those of the public that have read it. Don't forget that Guardian is due to be released in February!
I had my husband take some nice pictures, that turned out well. Since neither he nor I are professional photographers, though, we didn't realize that the background was too dark, and my dark hair and dark shirt blended too much for me to crop myself out of the pictures without looking like I cropped myself out of the pictures. So, we re-shot them against a lighter background, with several different outfits, and I got some more good shots. I wasn't, however, able to duplicate my favorite pose from the first batch.
I spent some time tonight trying to work with that original picture that I liked from the first batch to see if I could get myself out of it and onto a lighter background. I do believe that I have succeeded! But, that leaves me with several very good images to choose from. I have put them on my Facebook and asked for opinions. I plan on using the ones that are the most popular with my friends. I really appreciate all of those that helped me to choose.
As for Fated, I keep spreading word about it, and it seems to keep generating interest in whomever I speak to about it. I hope that means that in another month it has grown even more in popularity with the word of mouth from myself, my test readers, and those of the public that have read it. Don't forget that Guardian is due to be released in February!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Another small taste of Fated. Enjoy!
went into the house and promptly made his way to the living room, where he went
straight over to the T.V. and turned off the power.
I was watching that!” Brody yelled.
you can go back to watching it when your homework is done.” Kellen said, as he dumped his armful of wood
into the holder by the fireplace. “You know that Mom will be upset if you don’t
have that done by the time that she gets home.”
couldn’t argue with that, because he did
know that their mother would be upset. However, he didn’t give in easily. He
hadn’t liked the bossiness in Kellen’s tone.
this is my favorite show.” He tried again.
look on Kellen’s face assured Brody of what was coming next. “And it will still
be your favorite show when you catch it in reruns,” was all that Kellen said.
Kellen, you can be such a pain in the as--”
say it! I wouldn’t want to have to tell Mom that I heard you cussing.” Kellen
both of them took great pains not to upset their mother, Brody finished his
sentence with a quick, “asp!” The
brothers looked at each other for a second and then burst into laughter.
that doesn’t make any sense,” Kellen said, shaking his head.
know, but I had to finish it somehow.” Brody answered with a smile, before
sitting down at the table to start on his homework.
shrugged out of his coat and hung it on the hook just inside the door. He sat down at the bench by the door and took
off his boots. Then he washed his hands and made his way over to the freezer to
figure out something to make for supper. He knew that his mother would most
likely eat at the diner, so he would have to scrounge up something for him and
his brother. He found some hamburger,
threw it in the microwave to defrost, then headed over to the cupboard. He
checked it out, and found what he was looking for.
meal boxed dinner…just add hamburger to the cheese and macaroni. You interested
bro?” He turned to ask Brody. Since they
both knew that skillet meals pretty much pushed the limit of Kellen’s cooking
ability, Brody just wrinkled his nose.
I have a choice? I swear, Kellen, you could burn water!”
chuckled, fully knowing the extent of his culinary skills, which left a lot to be desired; but then, Brody
wasn’t any better.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Word is getting around. And Book 3 is on the move!
More and more people are finding out about Fated and are passing on how much they like it. If this keeps up, then I might actually have a following when Guardian is released. I am grateful to all of those that are helping to spread the good word about it. I can't thank you enough, especially my very loyal test readers. Let's continue to keep the word of mouth going!
Book 3 stalled for a time but has now begun to make the rounds of the test readers. Tonight it made it into the hands of another one. I can't wait to get more reaction from more test readers! Yay, test readers!
Book 3 stalled for a time but has now begun to make the rounds of the test readers. Tonight it made it into the hands of another one. I can't wait to get more reaction from more test readers! Yay, test readers!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
My book is available at Dover Public Library as well. So you can go there and check it out. I donated a copy to the Phila Library also, but I have not found it to be available in their system yet.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
What an AWESOME night!!!!!
I had a great time tonight at my first meeting of the Writer's Guild! A group that I wish I would have known about sooner. I hope that my schedule permits me to go back again sometime. I really like the President, she is so nice. I met some other, equally nice, people there tonight as well. I hope to contact them about doing a book signing there sometime soon. They like the meetings to be education, informative, and fun. I certainly had fun tonight.
I talked to a lady about possibly going on a radio show. ME!? On a radio show!!???? I think that I have now entered The Twilight Zone. This is so far from where I ever saw myself going in my life! I am so blessed! I am just going to buckle my seat belt and hold on for this ride, because I can never tell where it is going to take me! LOL. Now I just need to get those pictures done that take off a couple of chins . . .
I talked to a lady about possibly going on a radio show. ME!? On a radio show!!???? I think that I have now entered The Twilight Zone. This is so far from where I ever saw myself going in my life! I am so blessed! I am just going to buckle my seat belt and hold on for this ride, because I can never tell where it is going to take me! LOL. Now I just need to get those pictures done that take off a couple of chins . . .
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Things I learned at my book signing
It was an awesome night, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a small, but intimate, group. It was made up mostly of my loyal test readers. Some things I learned from my test readers are . . .
1. I use it and because WAY too often in my books. I will have to watch that with the last 4 books. LOL. I told them that this might delay the writing process, though, so that I can search for alternatives. Their reply was that they would live with the it's and because's then. LOL. I thought you might say that!
2. That my test readers who have only read as far as book 2 are really anxious to read book 3, so I might have to get another copy printed out to get that moving through the test readers.
3. That the test readers that have read up to book 3 are really anxious for me to start book 4. LOL. We'll see what we can do about that at semester break.
1. I use it and because WAY too often in my books. I will have to watch that with the last 4 books. LOL. I told them that this might delay the writing process, though, so that I can search for alternatives. Their reply was that they would live with the it's and because's then. LOL. I thought you might say that!
2. That my test readers who have only read as far as book 2 are really anxious to read book 3, so I might have to get another copy printed out to get that moving through the test readers.
3. That the test readers that have read up to book 3 are really anxious for me to start book 4. LOL. We'll see what we can do about that at semester break.
Monday, October 17, 2011
There go my nerves!
As my first book signing and discussion get closer (Tomorrow! ACK!), I find that I also get more nervous. I know that this is normal, especially with someone who has done very little public speaking, like myself. I am going to type out my notes tonight because I know that if I don't, my brain will freeze tomorrow night and the only thing that my audience will hear are squeaks as I TRY to think of something, anything, to say. LOL. I most certainly don't want that! That is why it is safer for me to bring notes, at least then I can read them. Oh Gosh! What if I forget how to read?!LOL
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
I've been promoted!
Here is the article promoting my book and book signing.
Here is the article promoting my book and book signing.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Book Signing Event!
Here is the link to my first book signing. I hope you all can come.
Here is the link to my first book signing. I hope you all can come.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Happy (late) anniversary Fated! Also, baked goods!
Things have been so crazy for me this week because of my youngest being sick, scheduling my first interview, answering the questions for that, volunteering on my oldest son's field trip, school work, and a whole host of other things, that I didn't remember to post yesterday about it being the 1st anniversary of when I began writing Fated. Now look, it has now been released and I am doing my first book signing for it in a little less then 2 weeks! What a crazy turn my life has taken!
If you're local, my boss has graciously agreed to let me put a few books in one of her businesses, The Shops at the Olde House Inn. There is also an open house for a new bakery (Flat Top Bakery) that is going on there today from 9am-12pm! With samples! So check it out at 233 Fair Ave. I might see you there. I heard their pepperoni rolls are really good. Yum, can't wait to try them!
If you're local, my boss has graciously agreed to let me put a few books in one of her businesses, The Shops at the Olde House Inn. There is also an open house for a new bakery (Flat Top Bakery) that is going on there today from 9am-12pm! With samples! So check it out at 233 Fair Ave. I might see you there. I heard their pepperoni rolls are really good. Yum, can't wait to try them!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Here is a taste of Fated . . . enjoy!
He then showed her how to cast and they
took their positions sitting on the bank of the pond, just holding the fishing
poles. She wondered if this was really all that there was to it. If so, then
she had been right to say that it wasn’t interesting. She thought that she
actually might have more fun working in the simulated gardens trying to get a
simulation to take off, which was something that she had never thought that she
would enjoy at all. But, she supposed that if she looked at it from the
standpoint of her being able to spend time with the one that she loved, in a
peaceful setting, and get to see him doing something that he enjoyed. It wasn’t
so bad after all.
they had sat there for a time she felt the pole in her hands jerk downward. It
happened once, twice, then nothing. Kellen was on his knees beside her urging
her to reel in her line. He figured that one of the fish had decided to take
her worm without hooking itself and he wanted to check. Following his
directions, she reeled it in and, sure enough, the worm was gone. Kellen handed
her his pole to watch for him while he turned his back for some more bait.
just sat there and stared into the water, holding Kellen’s pole and waiting for
him to get the bait put onto hers. All of a sudden, she caught a flicker of
movement underneath the water. She didn’t really pay it any attention at first
because she thought that it was likely the fish that had taken her bait coming
back for seconds. It wasn’t until she realized that the movement almost looked
as if it were waving that she paid closer attention. As she peered into the
water, her whole body leapt in shock and she barely managed to hold back her gasp
of shock. There, just below the water, clearly visible, was a small blonde
haired water nymph waving hello at her. With her other hand she was holding
Nari’s lost worm. She must have taken it off of Nari’s hook in order to get her
took a swift glance at Kellen to be sure that he was still turned around. She
figured that he was since the water nymph wouldn’t have shown herself if a mortal
were able to see her.
Nari had
forgotten that since there were no bodies of water on the higher vibration
plane where the Immortals lived, only aqueducts that served as the Immortals
only source of water that the water nymphs had been allowed to remain on the
Earth. The condition to this was that they remain hidden from the humans. This
had been accomplished by an enchantment that any human eye that beheld them
would, instead, see something other than the nymph and that they would forever
be unable to prove that they had seen anything. The last she had heard, any
human that accidentally encountered a water nymph would believe that they were facing
a monster.
She had
heard of a case that had been going on for years where the enchantment caused
the human to see the water nymph in the form of a dinosaur-like creature
whenever she was unexpectedly seen. She had even been given a nick name by the
humans of “Nessie” the Loch Ness monster. Even though she tried hard not to be
seen, it did happen. To this day, it had still never been proven that “Nessie”
really existed.
smiled and waved back at the water nymph and, fearing that Kellen would turn
around any second, quickly waved her away. The water nymph smiled and then
abruptly disappeared and Nari figured that Kellen must be turning back towards
Saturday, October 1, 2011
I'm thrilled with the response that Fated has gotten so far. I really appreciate all the support from my family, and friends, both local and out- of- state. I hope that you all like it. I am fairly certain that you will, though, since I had such a diverse group of test readers and all did.
I'm also grateful to those who have posted the link to my book on their own facebook pages. You don't know how much that means to me! Thanks for helping me to spread the word!
I hope to see you all whenever I start my round of book signings. I will keep you posted as to when they will be.
I'm also grateful to those who have posted the link to my book on their own facebook pages. You don't know how much that means to me! Thanks for helping me to spread the word!
I hope to see you all whenever I start my round of book signings. I will keep you posted as to when they will be.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
A great night!
Had the BEST time tonight at the book signing/program of 5 local authors. Their books sound interesting. Check them out.
The Story in the stars (a Christian science fiction book. Hmmm, interesting)
Unearthed (the author's story of her own and other's stories of addiction and how to overcome them)
Tax Collector's and other sinners (a thriller about a son who starts killing tax collectors when his father commits suicide after the IRS take his business)
The adventures of Pete and Max ( a children's book. The author travels to different schools and puts on a program for the kids)
A Christmas wish (a children's story about Humphrey the hedgehog)
Monday, September 26, 2011
I submitted the files for Fated for the final time. That means that within this week (yes, I said THIS WEEK!) Fated will be on sale. It seems like it has taken so long to come to fruition, when in actuality, it has been less then a year. Sure, next Friday makes a full year since I started writing Fated, but it is still less then a year from the time I started writing it to the time it goes on sale. =o]
I hope that you are as excited as I am! I hope to see all that are close at the local book signings that I am starting to line up now. Come in and see me, bring your book, and I will sign it for you. Thanks, again, for all of your patience and I hope that you like it. If you like it, tell others that might like it too. Thanks.
I hope that you are as excited as I am! I hope to see all that are close at the local book signings that I am starting to line up now. Come in and see me, bring your book, and I will sign it for you. Thanks, again, for all of your patience and I hope that you like it. If you like it, tell others that might like it too. Thanks.
Friday, September 23, 2011
I can hardly wait . . . keep watching!
It's all coming together now. I had to re-do the cover image because I feared copyright issues and that turned out alright. I have a few changes that my wonderful hubby found while he was reading it for me (He said that although it is not his genre, and that he is only reading it because I wrote it, he is enjoying the story and looks forward to picking it up. He said that there is a good blend of everything in it and that he could definitely, confidently, recommend it to a romance reader). Awwww, thanks hon! That is a ringing endorsement, in my book, from a guy that has never read a romance novel in his life.
Anyway, I anticipate that it should still be this month yet that I will get the book on the market. That only leaves this next week . . . so . . . keep an eye out for an announcement from me soon!!!!!
Anyway, I anticipate that it should still be this month yet that I will get the book on the market. That only leaves this next week . . . so . . . keep an eye out for an announcement from me soon!!!!!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
More changes mean a little longer till release day
I am working hard to get Fated out to you in as close to perfect condition as possible. Please be patient for just a little longer. My goal is still to have it on sale by the end of September. Thanks for your patience.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Pass it on
I have ordered what (I hope) will be the last proof copy of my book. If it is, then that means that my book should be available soon after. For anyone that has read it, and liked it, please pass on the news of its release to anyone else that you think may like it. I am going to need all the marketing help that I can get! LOL Thanks in advance.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Take . . . two
I have made the changes to my book and re-submitted them for review. Once they deem it formatted correctly, then I will have to order another proof. This takes between 4-5 days to get here, but I am pretty sure that it will be able to be printed this time. I will just need to check it out to be sure. If it is, I will probably put it on sale shortly after that. So, maybe next week for my readers who have been patiently waiting.
For my test readers, get with me and I will autograph your copy. He He, that just sounds so strange! I never imagined that I would ever be asked to autograph anything! LOL. And don't forget to look for my book signing events!
For my test readers, get with me and I will autograph your copy. He He, that just sounds so strange! I never imagined that I would ever be asked to autograph anything! LOL. And don't forget to look for my book signing events!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Website traffic
I was amazed at how much traffic I am having on the website for my book! I never expected that much traffic. Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful that everyone that could, or wanted to, stopped by to have a look. I hope you liked what you saw and that maybe you became interested in reading my series. Word of mouth is key in anything that you do, after all. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your visit and visit again soon.
I can't wait for you all to meet the cast of characters in my books. My prediction is that (if my test readers reactions are anything to go by) Brody will be the favorite character. And Guardian (Book 2) is his story. His story was easiest to write because he is . . .well he's . . .once you meet him, you'll see what I mean. LOL
I can't wait for you all to meet the cast of characters in my books. My prediction is that (if my test readers reactions are anything to go by) Brody will be the favorite character. And Guardian (Book 2) is his story. His story was easiest to write because he is . . .well he's . . .once you meet him, you'll see what I mean. LOL
Thursday, September 8, 2011
It's here! It's here! It's here!
My proof copy came today! I AM SO EXCITED!!!! I have noticed that there are some small errors that I need to fix before putting it out for publication, though. I also need to do another full proof read to check for more errors then my brief look through got me. For some reason, having it in book form makes it easier to see mistakes. I think that I will likely have to order another proof copy after this one. So, it will probably be another week after I make any changes before I will get that proof copy. Unfortunately, that means that delays the release to you also. I will work as quickly as I can to get it out to you. Thanks for your patience.
On a bright note, the cover is great and doesn't need any changes made to it. At least I don't have to take time to fix that as well. =o]
Let me tell you, it sure is exciting to see my work finally in print! I think that you will all like it when you see it. I know I do!
On a bright note, the cover is great and doesn't need any changes made to it. At least I don't have to take time to fix that as well. =o]
Let me tell you, it sure is exciting to see my work finally in print! I think that you will all like it when you see it. I know I do!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
In one month from today
It will be the 1 year anniversary of when I began writing Fated. Only 1 year ago I began writing. Hard to believe. Now, 3 books later, I am about to become a published author. Wow! How awesome!!!!!
What's funny is that October 7th has had several occurrences that make it stand out in my life already. I guess that is just a "lucky" day for me.
What's funny is that October 7th has had several occurrences that make it stand out in my life already. I guess that is just a "lucky" day for me.
Not waiting well
I keep hoping that, since they got my proof copy out the same day I ordered it, I would see it show up at my door before they said that it would. Now, I know that I am grasping at straws here, but it is agonizing to wait for something like this. Agonizing!!!! I wanted it in my hands as soon as I got the email that it shipped- or maybe even before that! LOL. I feel like a child waiting for Christmas morning! It is going to seem like the next 5 days are going in super slow motion while I wait it out.
Maybe, just maybe, the mail fairy will take pity on me and grant me my wish to have it get here before I go insane (er) from the wait. Until that time comes, I guess I will stay here and remain NOT so patiently waiting for the proof copy of my book to arrive. When it does, though, you will likely hear my very pleased squeal all the way to wherever you happen to be located! =o]
Maybe, just maybe, the mail fairy will take pity on me and grant me my wish to have it get here before I go insane (er) from the wait. Until that time comes, I guess I will stay here and remain NOT so patiently waiting for the proof copy of my book to arrive. When it does, though, you will likely hear my very pleased squeal all the way to wherever you happen to be located! =o]
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Everything's linked (I think)
At least as far as I can tell. You can get to the e-store for Fated from both my blog and my website. You can get to my website from my blog (FINALLY! That took forever to figure out!!!! LOL). And you can get to my blog from my website. Phew! Just saying all of that is confusing! Anyway, check them all out. I would love to hear what you all think of the layout, design, content, and such, so drop me a comment somewhere and let me know. Thanks!
Monday, September 5, 2011
The website for my books is now live
Please keep in mind that it is still subject to change since I am still attempting to set everything up. The website address is http://neweraseries.weebly.com/ . Please feel free to visit and have a look around. I can't seem to get the e-store for my books to link to it yet, but that is probably because it is not active yet. It won't be active until I get the proof copy (which I have been notified has shipped YAY!) and approve it for distribution. I will try to link this blog to it also. Happy visiting!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
I have ordered the proof copy of Fated!!!!!!!
It should be here the week after next. I can't wait! I am about to be a published author and that means that the final product will be available to you . . . my reading public . . .soon also. Right now, I would like to have a fast forward button so that I can skip to the expected delivery date from here. Sigh. I know, I know . . . patience is a virtue. Just not one I have in abundance right now when it comes to this subject. =o]
In another month, it will have been 1 year since I began writing Fated. Hard to believe that it has been so long! Time sure has flown, and I now have 3 books that I can call my own. I am truly blessed!
In another month, it will have been 1 year since I began writing Fated. Hard to believe that it has been so long! Time sure has flown, and I now have 3 books that I can call my own. I am truly blessed!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Alllllmost time . . . .
I have submitted the files and hope to hear at the beginning of next week that Fated will be taking the next step to being published. The next step is a proof copy so that I can make sure that everything is the way that I want it to be. I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe that I am about to be a published author.
If you would have told me this 2 years ago, I would have laughed. And now, it is about to become a reality. Only a matter of days away now. Can you tell I'm a little excited? LOL
If you would have told me this 2 years ago, I would have laughed. And now, it is about to become a reality. Only a matter of days away now. Can you tell I'm a little excited? LOL
Sunday, August 28, 2011
With the expected launch of Fated only days away . . .
I release the cover of Fated to my reading public.
Monday, August 22, 2011
I got Fated back for editing today!
Now I can make those suggested changes and then get it published and into your hands.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
I printed out another copy of Keeper last night
To start the rounds of test readers. I hope all my test readers are looking forward to it.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The battle rages on
The storyline for Protector is progressing in my mind but I am still resisting writing it. I decided to read last night in an effort to give my brain something else to think about. It worked! Janet Chapman's new book is so good that it had me up until nearly 1 am reading it . . . . and I didn't even want to put it down to go to bed then!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
There may still be hope
That I can publish this month. I expect to get Fated from the editor on Monday, if I can work hard on the edit, I might be able to do it. Cross your fingers!
Monday, August 15, 2011
I'm just not sure
I had hoped that Fated would be released this month but I am getting less and less sure of this as the month passes. I still have some hope, but I also think that I need to be realistic since there are only a couple of weeks still left in the month and it is still with the editor. I will get it out at the earliest possible moment after the edits are done. Until then, I remain cautiously optimistic that it will be this month . . .but I caution all of you who have been asking when it would be released to please be patient a little while longer. I have a feeling that you will think it is worth the wait. For all of my test readers, you already know that it is worth the wait! Thanks, again, for your patience.
And since I have already been working on the edits for Guardian, I don't anticipate as lengthy of a wait for it to be released. I anticipate that it will be released around 6 months after Fated.
And since I have already been working on the edits for Guardian, I don't anticipate as lengthy of a wait for it to be released. I anticipate that it will be released around 6 months after Fated.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
New Era Series Family Tree
On the request of a couple of my test readers (and the recommendation of my husband) I have included a family tree in the front of Guardian and Keeper. This is a practice that I intend to keep up with the rest of the novels so that it will help my readers keep track since there are new characters added in each book. So far, they have been a big hit since it is usually months between reading each book, so I have been told that this helps to refresh the ol' memory. It also may help to avoid confusion between the more similar sounding names. I was told by one of the test readers for Keeper that she loved, loved, loved the family tree! I'm always happy when I can make my test readers happy.
I'm stuck and could use help
I need to come up with a name for an evil character in Protector. One of my test readers said that it had to be intimidating and end with a sharp sound because he is going to be kind of an important bad guy. I will keep trying but if any of you have any ideas . . . . I'm all ears.
You know what's going to happen
In the continuing battle between my talent's desire to write and my desire to take a break, don't you? I think I do. I have to admit that I'm weakening. It is tempting to just start writing it down. Plus, I'm sure that once Keeper gets to more of my test readers, they will be asking when they can expect Protector.
BUT, with the amount of storyline that I have been receiving, if I keep letting it build up, then I will have this one written in a month. So maybe this battle isn't such a bad thing. A story that is so written in my head that it takes less time to write down would be nice. Hmmmmm . . . . now that is tempting also.
I guess that, either way, I and my merry band of loyal test readers, are the victors in this battle so . . . . Battle On! LOL
BUT, with the amount of storyline that I have been receiving, if I keep letting it build up, then I will have this one written in a month. So maybe this battle isn't such a bad thing. A story that is so written in my head that it takes less time to write down would be nice. Hmmmmm . . . . now that is tempting also.
I guess that, either way, I and my merry band of loyal test readers, are the victors in this battle so . . . . Battle On! LOL
Saturday, August 13, 2011
I finally managed to make it up to- and past- chapter 7 in editing Guardian!!!! Granted, I'm only on chapter 8, but, hey, it's an accomplishment. I'm a' grinnin'. =o] Now, I will feel like I am making progress when I sit down to make the edits from this point on since I have now recovered all that was lost in the crash (for those new to the blog see earlier post regarding crash).
For all of those who are new to the blog . . . welcome! Let me tell you a little about the New Era Series. It is a fantasy romance series that will have Fates & Fairies, Goblins & Gremlins . . . along with a host of other "legendary" and "mythological" creatures, and humans as well. Each book will stand on it's own, as a love story and an entertaining read, but each will also add upon the series. I know that if fantasy romance is your preferred reading, you will enjoy this fun and enjoyable series. Thanks for checking out my blog. I'll type at you later.
For all of those who are new to the blog . . . welcome! Let me tell you a little about the New Era Series. It is a fantasy romance series that will have Fates & Fairies, Goblins & Gremlins . . . along with a host of other "legendary" and "mythological" creatures, and humans as well. Each book will stand on it's own, as a love story and an entertaining read, but each will also add upon the series. I know that if fantasy romance is your preferred reading, you will enjoy this fun and enjoyable series. Thanks for checking out my blog. I'll type at you later.
I am so not right!
My husband tells me this jokingly all the time (and that I am short which then makes me have to comment about the size of his nose (which isn't even bad). LOL) but I bring up my not rightness because as I am sorting laundry I am having flashes of the next book's storyline playing in my head. Ok, even I have to admit it was a way cool part that I am definitely adding in when I do write Protector. But while sorting laundry for Pete's sake!???? LOL
I had hoped to give myself some time off of writing since I finished 3 full length novels (after the boys were in bed) in under a year. Looks like I might be starting the 4th one before that year is up too . . . at least if the completely developed storyline flashes in my head win. I know my test readers are probably anxious for Protector also- at least the ones that have already read Keeper.
I will keep you all posted on the ongoing battle between my talent for writing and my will to have some time off from it. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the talent and all . . . it just isn't one that, since unleashing, I have been able to figure out how to turn off, or even down.
I had hoped to give myself some time off of writing since I finished 3 full length novels (after the boys were in bed) in under a year. Looks like I might be starting the 4th one before that year is up too . . . at least if the completely developed storyline flashes in my head win. I know my test readers are probably anxious for Protector also- at least the ones that have already read Keeper.
I will keep you all posted on the ongoing battle between my talent for writing and my will to have some time off from it. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the talent and all . . . it just isn't one that, since unleashing, I have been able to figure out how to turn off, or even down.
Happy Saturday!
The day I usually spend catching up on household chores before the work week starts again and enjoy spending more time with my family. I think (if the weather holds) that I might go for a walk at some point today with my oldest son.
Tonight, after they go to bed I have GOT to get to continuing the edits on Guardian. The problem with editing is that it is about as exciting as watching paint dry so it is hard for me to remain motivated. LOL.But since I am still 2 chapters behind where I had been when the crash happened, I really need to get a move on.
What I did do, was to redesign the covers of Guardian & Keeper (books 2 &3)
Tonight, after they go to bed I have GOT to get to continuing the edits on Guardian. The problem with editing is that it is about as exciting as watching paint dry so it is hard for me to remain motivated. LOL.But since I am still 2 chapters behind where I had been when the crash happened, I really need to get a move on.
What I did do, was to redesign the covers of Guardian & Keeper (books 2 &3)
Friday, August 12, 2011
I don't want to . . . but I might have to
I was sitting today at lunch at work just trying to eat peacefully. I couldn't, however, due to the characters writing their storyline in my head. Now that I have finished Keeper, the next book in line, Protector, is making its story known. All kinds of tie ins to both these first 3 books and the last 3 books in the series were coming at me fast and furious the last couple of days for some reason.
I think that my brain is trying to tell me that it is ready to supply the story. It just can't figure out why I'm not writing it down. I said I would wait for a while to write this one, but it seems that the book and characters may have different plans. LOL
I think that my brain is trying to tell me that it is ready to supply the story. It just can't figure out why I'm not writing it down. I said I would wait for a while to write this one, but it seems that the book and characters may have different plans. LOL
A rare moment alone
No one's home. That never happens! And I am sharing this rare moment with all of you. Do you hear that? It's silence. . . with 2 boys in the house it is unusual, so I am going to treasure it. LOL
I debuted the cover for Fated (book 1) last night
I debuted it to the facebook friends of the page for my books. If you are interested in seeing it, send a friend request to Addy Mason. Hope to see you there.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
I just finished creating the cover of book 7- Conquer
It will feature a cool shield that was created for me by Tiffany Mann. It will be an awesome addition to the rest of the covers. I have decided that I like the simplicity of the last 4 covers so much that I am going to redesign the first 3 in the same vein. I can't wait until the debut of my books. I'm still hoping for this month, but I can't guarantee that it will happen this month. But it is awesome to know that I now have all of the covers done- for the most part.
First test reader is done with Keeper
She said that it was awesome and she had some helpful tips for me (because I asked) about what could possibly be expanded. At least one of the ideas I have been working on in my head ever since talking to her, and possibly a second also. I think that the addition(s) will make the book better.
Also, I had a great idea today that will help tie in Protector (book 4), and the rest of this series with these first 3 books. It came to me all of a sudden today. As I told someone, sometimes I have to really think of what needs to come next and sometimes it is like mental diarrhea and I can't control it. LOL
Also, I had a great idea today that will help tie in Protector (book 4), and the rest of this series with these first 3 books. It came to me all of a sudden today. As I told someone, sometimes I have to really think of what needs to come next and sometimes it is like mental diarrhea and I can't control it. LOL
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Nearly there!
I have re-completed the edits that I lost in the computer crash to Guardian up to Chapter 6. I only have 2 more chapters to go before I am caught up. Only 14 more to go after that. . . but we won't think about that now. LOL
Good afternoon/evening fellow readers
I think that since I have finished Keeper, and am not currently at work on Protector, that it might be an ideal time to go and look for some books to read for pleasure. I think that I might look up the rest of the series that I began of Janet Chapman's at the local library. I just love libraries, don't you?
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Back to editing book 2- Guardian
I am still trying to catch up from the work lost when the computer crashed. I have a loooong way to go! Sigh!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
The first test reader has book 3
I am so excited to hear what my test readers think of this new addition to the series. So far, so good. She said that she was on chapter 5 (or thereabouts) and liked it. She had a couple of questions and pointed out something that even though I know it in my head, it needs to be clarified for my readers.
That is why I have test readers, to help me know that even though it is explained later, it really needs to be clarified there, to avoid confusion. My test readers give me invaluable help in this and other areas. I am so grateful to them. I always look forward to their opinions and pearls of wisdom when they are done with the books.
That is why I have test readers, to help me know that even though it is explained later, it really needs to be clarified there, to avoid confusion. My test readers give me invaluable help in this and other areas. I am so grateful to them. I always look forward to their opinions and pearls of wisdom when they are done with the books.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
After some computer issues, I am back up and running again
My husband tried to warn me. But since I write after my boys go to bed until late, I am usually too tired to back up everything right away. We knew that the computer needed some work so we had most everything backed up. I just asked the we wait until I finished book 3- Keeper before doing any of the required maintenance.
I finished Keeper on Friday evening and printed it out. Seriously glad I did that! On Sunday morning, after 2 1/2 hours on Saturday night spent editing Keeper, the computer went to a screen that I had never seen before. My husband tried everything he knew (a lot!) and it would not allow us to retrieve that information. I lost the last 2 weeks changes to books 2 & 3. Thankfully, I had finished Keeper on Friday or I would have lost over half of it. But I learned a valuable lesson from this experience. . . .no matter how tired you are . . . back up your work! LOL
I finished Keeper on Friday evening and printed it out. Seriously glad I did that! On Sunday morning, after 2 1/2 hours on Saturday night spent editing Keeper, the computer went to a screen that I had never seen before. My husband tried everything he knew (a lot!) and it would not allow us to retrieve that information. I lost the last 2 weeks changes to books 2 & 3. Thankfully, I had finished Keeper on Friday or I would have lost over half of it. But I learned a valuable lesson from this experience. . . .no matter how tired you are . . . back up your work! LOL
Saturday, July 30, 2011
I finished Book 3- Keeper. Now just some editing and it will be ready to start the round of test readers. I finished reading it today. I liked it. But it isn't my opinion that counts, it is my reader's opinions that count. I hope you all like it.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Chapter 18 is here!
I only have 1 bad guy to deal with now, so I think that maybe between 1-3 chapters left to go (plus an epilogue) and this will be book 3- Keeper in the bag. I can then start on the second set of this series, Books 4-7. I think that I am going to take a little break in between the end of this one and the beginning of book 4. Not to worry though, I still hope that Fated will be available to purchase next month and around 6 months later Guardian will be, so you will be able to re-read those.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Bad guy # 3 is about to bite the dust
That means only 1 bad guy and a couple of other things (like that surprise I mentioned) to go and I will be done with Book 3- Keeper. Which is good because I really want to read it!!!!!! LOL
Friday, July 22, 2011
On to Chapter 16
Setting up to take care of villain # 3. Only 1 more to go after that. And a couple of other things to tie up and Book 3 will be a wrap as well. I hope that you all will enjoy it. I decided to throw in a surprise very close to the end. I think that you all will enjoy that one since it is a good surprise. It is something that you may have wondered about at the time but have likely forgotten about now. LOL. That is all I will say. You'll have to read it to find out what it is.
More editing
After taking a couple day break I am back at editing Book 2- Guardian.
I have been working on Book 3- Keeper. When last we left our hero and heroine they were looking to dispose of something evil and our hero was about to experience something that he will never forget, nor probably ever want to experience again. Trust me, he won't see this coming. LOL.
I have been working on Book 3- Keeper. When last we left our hero and heroine they were looking to dispose of something evil and our hero was about to experience something that he will never forget, nor probably ever want to experience again. Trust me, he won't see this coming. LOL.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Hubby & I spent 2 hours filling our kid's pool up with air with a tire pump
Let me tell you . . . I am going to feel that one in the morning! Not to mention that it just wasn't very fun. But at least it is done and the kids appreciate it. It was too late tonight to use it by the time that we got it done, but they are looking forward to using it tomorrow. And it is supposed to be a hot one too.
Now I am trying to get back to writing book 3. I feel like I am getting close to being done . . . FINALLY! So far it has taken me 3 months to write this one. Same amount of time that it took to write book 2- Guardian. I think another two or three weeks should do it. Of course, I could be a little off so don't hold me to that. =o]
Now I am trying to get back to writing book 3. I feel like I am getting close to being done . . . FINALLY! So far it has taken me 3 months to write this one. Same amount of time that it took to write book 2- Guardian. I think another two or three weeks should do it. Of course, I could be a little off so don't hold me to that. =o]
Monday, July 18, 2011
Editing fun
I am currently in the process of making the edits that my editing guru suggested. The power flickered and I hadn't saved all the changes so I had to go back in and see what had and what hadn't saved. Grrr!! Oh well, lesson learned.
On a bright note, once I have these edits finished I can then focus more on book 1- Fated, when it comes back from the editor and I estimate that I should only have about 5-7 Chapters (give or take) to go before I finish book 3- Keeper. My hubby helped me to solve a problem that I had been mulling over for a few days that should help me move along, perhaps a little faster. I do, however, have 2 more bad guys left to do something with in book 3.
On a bright note, once I have these edits finished I can then focus more on book 1- Fated, when it comes back from the editor and I estimate that I should only have about 5-7 Chapters (give or take) to go before I finish book 3- Keeper. My hubby helped me to solve a problem that I had been mulling over for a few days that should help me move along, perhaps a little faster. I do, however, have 2 more bad guys left to do something with in book 3.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Created the cover for book 6 tonight
I have also decided to change the name. It was going to be renew but I am going to go with something different now. Not going to say yet what it will be.
Let Chapter 14 begin!!!!
I got about a half a page into Chapter 14 done today and all of Chapter 13. If I feel like it, I will go back to writing tonight after the boys go to bed and try and finish chapter 14. My goal this weekend is to try and get through Chapter 15 and into Chapter 16. Interesting things are about to happen, 1 bad guy down and 1 is about to be found out. Then the truly strange happenings begin, that is where villain 3 comes into play. Don't worry, it will all make sense in the end. . . even if it is a strange kind of sense. LOL
Friday, July 15, 2011
Chapter 13 continues. . . .
After a couple of days off so that I could rest my brain I am back to work on Book 3 and hope to finished Chapter 13 tonight. I can honestly say that the brain break helped because I came up with a good idea for book 7 today! Still so much to go in this book that it isn't funny. I will keep plugging away. I'm taking it one chapter at a time. eventually it has to get done, it can't go on indefinitely. This one is my book with the largest amount of villains, and that makes for more fight scenes and more time having to be spent in setting up their exit- or continuation- in the books. I think that you will all be pleased with the finished product when it is done, though. I can't wait to read it cover to cover!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Back to work, not sure how far I'll get.
I'm not really feeling like writing for too long tonight. I just thought that I would get a little farther along in Chapter 13 since I spent last night working on creating the book cover of Book 4 instead of writing. I'm really hoping to finish this book by next month when I hope to bring the first one out. I'm setting up the downfall of the second bad guy in this chapter though I don't think that the actual downfall will happen yet. Then just 2 more villains, a prophesy to fulfill, and more of those surprises that I like to give my readers to sprinkle in left to go. You know you like those surprises, that is what keeps you coming back. LOL
Copyright paperwork
I received the official registration paperwork from the copyright office for book 1- Fated- in the mail today. Happy day! It's pretty plain looking, but it's a work of art to me. Yay!
Book 4
I finished creating the cover for book 4 last night. I already had finished designing the cover for book 5 so now I just need to come up with ideas for books 6 & 7. Any ideas?
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Decided on relaxation instead of writing tonight
I think that I will just kick back with my hubby now that the boys are in bed and watch Forest Gump and who knows what else now that the t.v. is able to be used for something other then Nickelodeon.
That means that I will not get any further and it will be Chapter 13 in Book 3 still until at least tomorrow night. Sorry all, but I need a night to recharge my brain's battery power every once in a while. Tonight just happens to be that night.
That means that I will not get any further and it will be Chapter 13 in Book 3 still until at least tomorrow night. Sorry all, but I need a night to recharge my brain's battery power every once in a while. Tonight just happens to be that night.
Anticipating the debut release of my New Era Series
I hope to release book 1 of New Era Series next month- August. I know that it is much later then I had originally planned but I have just been trying to make it a better book for my reading public. I think that you will be happy with the final result when it is published.
Book 2 is out with another test reader and I think that she is enjoying it so far. I have had basically good reviews on both books so far from all of my test readers.
Some are asking that I hurry and finish Book 3 that I am writing now. To them, I say that I am working on it. I just wish that I could write as quickly as my readers read. LOL
Book 2 is out with another test reader and I think that she is enjoying it so far. I have had basically good reviews on both books so far from all of my test readers.
Some are asking that I hurry and finish Book 3 that I am writing now. To them, I say that I am working on it. I just wish that I could write as quickly as my readers read. LOL
Progress on Book 3
I managed to get to Chapter 13 in book 3 yesterday. I hope that I can get even further today. . . we'll see.
Books I read
I just finished the second book from the Midnight Bay series by Janet Chapman. She is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. I can't wait until the next one comes out! Until then I am reading a couple of books by Karen Ranney. I like her series because they are about Scotsman . . . . I can't get enough of reading about Scotsmen. LOL
My favorite author of all time is Diana Gabaldon and the Outlander Series. Intense read, but very good. And of course, no romance reader can ignore the incomparable Nora Roberts. My face has enjoyed many hours of being buried in her books in sheer romantic book reading pleasure.
My favorite author of all time is Diana Gabaldon and the Outlander Series. Intense read, but very good. And of course, no romance reader can ignore the incomparable Nora Roberts. My face has enjoyed many hours of being buried in her books in sheer romantic book reading pleasure.
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