Saturday, September 28, 2013

New author page on Amazon

I've set up an author page where you can go to get any and all of the books that I write. Check it out!

Exciting announcement!

Book Three in the New Era Series - KEEPER - will be released on October 4th!

Although I'm not planning a book signing event, with books present to buy, I still want to hear from my readers when they get their copy because I do plan to schedule an event where we can all meet in a public place and I can sign your copies!

I'm always excited to introduce you to another story from my "story friends" and I know that you will enjoy their story as much as I have.

Don't forget that Book Four's release is around a year away. So far, I've had rave reviews from the test readers who've read it. I'm looking forward to revisiting it and enhancing the story of Book Four even more! Hey! That rhymes! :)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Another review from a test reader for Book 4

It would seem that yet another reader is on the edge of their seat waiting for Book 5 after reading Book 4, since the story arc continues on.

The good news for them is that once I get the final edits done on Book 3 - Keeper - and have brought it out in print, I'll be able to get back to writing. My first order of business will be finishing Book 5, which is already half way done.

The story lines for Books 6 and 7 have been filling in with more details in the months that I have been away from writing, so there shouldn't be much time before I can sit and write them, as well.

Have a happy Sunday, everyone!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

A teaser for the rest of the series. Books 4-7

The evil they've encountered has done little to prepare them for the evil to come.

Through challenges and changes, loves discovered and powers embraced, they will all have to band together in hopes of saving all that they hold dear from the creeping evil that is coming.

Along the way, they will experience triumph and tragedy, as they struggle to become all that they are destined to be, in order to have a chance of defeating this looming threat to their very existence. 

In the end, they will learn that evil knows no mercy, the most unlikely can be heroes, and that immortality does not, necessarily, ensure survival...

Monday, August 26, 2013

Keeper's coming soon!

Who's ready for it?

I can't believe it is nearly time to release the THIRD book of this series already! Crazy!

I've heard from test readers for Book 4 of this series already, too, and they are sitting on the edge of their seats waiting to see what happens next. Hmm...I'm not tellin', because they'll have to wait until future books for all to be revealed, but I can promise that it will be worth the wait. I've been instructed by them to write faster. =o]

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Get the Kindle version of FATED for FREE!

In honor of Guardian's arrival on Kindle, I am having a promotion where you can download FATED for your Kindle...FOR FREE.

This promotion runs from 7/29/13 through 7/30/13. Since this offer won't last long, be one of the first to download the book that started it all!

Once you do, you can lend it to all your friends who have a Kindle so that they can live the New Era experience too!

Friday, July 26, 2013

GUARDIAN is coming to Kindle!

Keep watch, because around 7/28/13, Guardian will be available on Kindle!!!!!!!!!!

So many of you asked for this, I'm sorry it took me so long to make it happen.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

A chance to get FATED and GUARDIAN for charity and a new book signing.

You will have a chance to get a copy of both FATED and GUARDIAN at the benefit for Stewart Bryan. This event takes place at the Canal House on 108 S. Main Ave., Tuscarawas, Oh 44682, on July 13, 2013. The benefit runs from 12-4pm and I've not only donated, but so have MANY area businesses and individuals. There will be golf packages, fantastic Cleveland Indians tickets, a sapphire and diamond necklace donated by Dunkin's Diamonds...and many, many more items donated by the generous local community that will be available via raffle or auction. Come out and see just how generous the community has been. You can meet me and get a signed copy of both of the books that have been released in the New Era Series, as well, for charity.

All proceeds for the benefit go to help Stewart Bryan - and family - pay for medical expenses as a result of the bladder cancer that was found on April 4, 2013 during an Emergency Room visit.

And, on September 18, 2013, I have signed up to be the guest speaker at the Tuscarawas County Writer's Guild at 7pm. I will be discussing GUARDIAN, the second installment of the New Era Series. There will be a book signing following the event.

This event is open to the public and is usually a very relaxed and pleasant time. I look forward to it this year as much as I have in previous years. This is an excellent time to get your copy of GUARDIAN and to spend some time with a great group of people!

The speaking engagement / book signing will be held at the Tuscarawas County Center for the Arts at 461 Robinson Dr. New Philadelphia, Oh 44663.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Book 3- Keeper

It's odd to think that while this book was completed in April of 2011, I'm only now beginning to give it its final gloss for publication. I have plans to bring it out this year, unless I should hear good news from the agents that I sent it out to. In which case, it will necessarily be delayed.

Don't worry, though, because I can assure my fans that Indra's story has all the elements that you've come to expect from the New Era Series...drama, mystery, suspense, legends, myths, and romance. All kinds of romance... I promise you that! But I won't give too much away right now, so it doesn't ruin it for you when it comes out. :)

I've also gone back and re-read book 4 - which I finished writing nearly a year ago. Let me tell you...those two certainly do have some serious chemistry! But that is all that I will tell you. You'll have to wait for it to come out to find out what I mean. 

Since so many of you requested it at the book signings, and in other ways, I put an excerpt of both FATED and GUARDIAN on the website, which I have updated and changed to this:

I've heard from more satisfied readers over the last few months, and have received more fan-based reviews for the website. I just wanted to take the time to let my many loyal fans and test readers know just how happy all the feedback that I receive makes me. The whole reason I write these novels is to entertain others with these stories that have been entertaining me for years now.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Wow! It's been a while since I've talked to all of you!

I managed to finish my semester of college, so I should have more time to devote to writing, editing, and dreaming up more stories. In fact, I already have several other stand - alone books and another probable series in my head and ready to go when I have finished these (it remains to be seen once I finish THIS series if it will be a series) .

I'm back in the saddle again when it comes to writing. It's hard to believe that it has been nearly a year since I finished the fourth book in the series and began the fifth one. But, it has been. I don't write during college semesters, so that it why it has been so long.

I am looking forward to re-reading what I wrote last year, though. I have also had some great insights into what to do with the last 2 1/2 books of this series while I wasn't able to write, so I guess having some distance from writing may have actually helped me in a weird sort of way.