Saturday, September 28, 2013

New author page on Amazon

I've set up an author page where you can go to get any and all of the books that I write. Check it out!

Exciting announcement!

Book Three in the New Era Series - KEEPER - will be released on October 4th!

Although I'm not planning a book signing event, with books present to buy, I still want to hear from my readers when they get their copy because I do plan to schedule an event where we can all meet in a public place and I can sign your copies!

I'm always excited to introduce you to another story from my "story friends" and I know that you will enjoy their story as much as I have.

Don't forget that Book Four's release is around a year away. So far, I've had rave reviews from the test readers who've read it. I'm looking forward to revisiting it and enhancing the story of Book Four even more! Hey! That rhymes! :)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Another review from a test reader for Book 4

It would seem that yet another reader is on the edge of their seat waiting for Book 5 after reading Book 4, since the story arc continues on.

The good news for them is that once I get the final edits done on Book 3 - Keeper - and have brought it out in print, I'll be able to get back to writing. My first order of business will be finishing Book 5, which is already half way done.

The story lines for Books 6 and 7 have been filling in with more details in the months that I have been away from writing, so there shouldn't be much time before I can sit and write them, as well.

Have a happy Sunday, everyone!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

A teaser for the rest of the series. Books 4-7

The evil they've encountered has done little to prepare them for the evil to come.

Through challenges and changes, loves discovered and powers embraced, they will all have to band together in hopes of saving all that they hold dear from the creeping evil that is coming.

Along the way, they will experience triumph and tragedy, as they struggle to become all that they are destined to be, in order to have a chance of defeating this looming threat to their very existence. 

In the end, they will learn that evil knows no mercy, the most unlikely can be heroes, and that immortality does not, necessarily, ensure survival...