Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Here is a taste of Fated . . . enjoy!

He then showed her how to cast and they took their positions sitting on the bank of the pond, just holding the fishing poles. She wondered if this was really all that there was to it. If so, then she had been right to say that it wasn’t interesting. She thought that she actually might have more fun working in the simulated gardens trying to get a simulation to take off, which was something that she had never thought that she would enjoy at all. But, she supposed that if she looked at it from the standpoint of her being able to spend time with the one that she loved, in a peaceful setting, and get to see him doing something that he enjoyed. It wasn’t so bad after all.
            After they had sat there for a time she felt the pole in her hands jerk downward. It happened once, twice, then nothing. Kellen was on his knees beside her urging her to reel in her line. He figured that one of the fish had decided to take her worm without hooking itself and he wanted to check. Following his directions, she reeled it in and, sure enough, the worm was gone. Kellen handed her his pole to watch for him while he turned his back for some more bait.
            Nari just sat there and stared into the water, holding Kellen’s pole and waiting for him to get the bait put onto hers. All of a sudden, she caught a flicker of movement underneath the water. She didn’t really pay it any attention at first because she thought that it was likely the fish that had taken her bait coming back for seconds. It wasn’t until she realized that the movement almost looked as if it were waving that she paid closer attention. As she peered into the water, her whole body leapt in shock and she barely managed to hold back her gasp of shock. There, just below the water, clearly visible, was a small blonde haired water nymph waving hello at her. With her other hand she was holding Nari’s lost worm. She must have taken it off of Nari’s hook in order to get her attention.
            Nari took a swift glance at Kellen to be sure that he was still turned around. She figured that he was since the water nymph wouldn’t have shown herself if a mortal were able to see her.
Nari had forgotten that since there were no bodies of water on the higher vibration plane where the Immortals lived, only aqueducts that served as the Immortals only source of water that the water nymphs had been allowed to remain on the Earth. The condition to this was that they remain hidden from the humans. This had been accomplished by an enchantment that any human eye that beheld them would, instead, see something other than the nymph and that they would forever be unable to prove that they had seen anything. The last she had heard, any human that accidentally encountered a water nymph would believe that they were facing a monster.
She had heard of a case that had been going on for years where the enchantment caused the human to see the water nymph in the form of a dinosaur-like creature whenever she was unexpectedly seen. She had even been given a nick name by the humans of “Nessie” the Loch Ness monster. Even though she tried hard not to be seen, it did happen. To this day, it had still never been proven that “Nessie” really existed.
            Nari smiled and waved back at the water nymph and, fearing that Kellen would turn around any second, quickly waved her away. The water nymph smiled and then abruptly disappeared and Nari figured that Kellen must be turning back towards her.

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